A downloadable tool for Linux

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Sled (Simple Layer Editor) is a simple pixel and map editor. (< 2000 LOC)

Press G to show/hide the grid

You control it by using the command bar (by pressing X)

Press Escape to hide the command bar, and Tab for suggestions

Press E to edit the selected tile

Shift + left click to paste a tile

Ctrl + left click to paste selected tile with marker

Alt + left click to only paste a marker

Alt + right click to remove a marker

Source Code: https://notabug.org/YoussefSahli/sled

You can add your own commands by putting lua files in the cmds/ folder.


confdiropen data directory

restartrestart Sled
tilex, y
select a tile

clearclear selected tile

flip [h or v]
flip tile
lists all layers

new [name z w h]
make a new layer at depth z, width w, height h

merge [name]
merge the current layer with named layer

switch [name]
switch to named layer

clearclear the current layer

discarddiscard the current layer
mapnew [name, w, h]make a new map

switch [name]
switch to named map for editing

discard [name]
remove a previously opened map

rename [new_name]
rename current map
markernew [name, x, y]
add a marker

listlist all markers in map
(debug) echo[table val]
print a global table value
exportlayer [name][file]exports layer to file

tile [file]
export tile to file

map [name][file]
export map to file
importtile [file]
import tile

layer [file name ]
import layer

palette [file]
import a palette

map [name]
import map


Made withLÖVE
TagsLevel Editor, Pixel Art, Sprites, tile-editor, Tilemap
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionDays or more
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

sled-0.0.1-Linux.AppImage 6.2 MB
Version 8
sled-0.0.1.love 606 kB
Version 2

Development log


by YS · 1 post
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